Thursday, March 27, 2008

Brotherly Love


Jami & Boys said...

i do love those boys! give them a kiss for me! i'll call you soon, i promise!

Wendi said...

How cute are they? Precious!
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family today. Hope all goes well.

leah said...

oh my gracious! i can't even stand it! the purty haircuts and twin-like facial features! i love you guys!

Kelli Schwarz said...

So CUTE! How precious is that! I love that they have their baseball attire clenched tightly in hand. Good Luck with Will's surgery. That is not fun at all. We had to put Cooper under a while back to run some tests and it was hard, but all for the best. They are just so little and you want to do everything you can to protect them. Hope your baby inside is doing well! Are you about half way? Hope all is well in NC.

Anika said...

I sure miss my nephews... and their parents. Why do you have to live so far away!? Boo. I miss you guys. I'm calling you.

Oh, and Zac is looking more and more like Nate every time I see his pic (or him). I used to not think so as much... but I am totally seein' it now. Will is your mini-me. And that is a good thing... you're hot.

Wendi said...

I left you a little assignment over at my blog...let me know when you have completed it!

Barney Family said...

Darling photos! Tell Zac that his girlfriend Mckinley saw him on the blog. She just laughed!

I really hope we get to see you in June.

Cheryl said...

Nothing can beat that. It will get you through the ups and downs of life having a buddy that will always be on your side. I love boys!!