Monday, April 7, 2008

Finally Getting Around to One of My Many Tags

I have been tagged several times lately, but I've been a little lazy at responding, so here goes!
My Favorite Things

Place: 204 Lewis Street, duh!

Book: This is difficult. I like a lot of books. Let's say, The Fountainhead.

Movie: Sad to admit, I love chick flicks. That's OK, though, because my father-in-law does, too, so we just go see them together. I go through phases, but right now it's Pride and Prejudice.

Memory: Being at my grandma's house as a little girl.
Trip: You're killing me! I have a hard time picking favorites. Let's say St. George with my family last spring. We met Jason and Kellie down there, which made for a perfect vacation.

Day: Saturday

Color: A very specific shade of sea foam green. Look in the Pottery Barn catalog and you'll see it.

Food: None, right now, but usually Stewed Hard Crabs.

Song: How do I pick!? I have to categorize these. My favorite hymn is Lead, Kindly Light, closely followed by, I Need Thee, Every Hour. My favorite popular song is Crash by Dave Matthews.

Ice Cream: I don't really like ice cream that much, but I'll say anything fruity.

Grade: 9th-It was fun being the new kids on the block.

Birthday: 8th, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Baptism- all the same day

Holiday: Thanksgiving

Word: Kyle

TV Show Current: American Idol

TV Show Past: Alias

Website: ILP

Store: Nordstrom Rack (can't afford the real thing.)

Soft Drink: Dr. Pepper

Historical Topic: Church History

Musical/Play: Guys and Dolls

Restaurant: Cafe Rio

Thing to Do: Be with my family

Ok, That was fun. Don't worry Wendi, I'm getting to yours, I promise!

I tag- Whoever wants to be tagged.


Wendi said...

I love your list! It is fun to see how different/alike everyone is.
I too love Pride and Prejudice. Did you see the PBS masterpiece series (that ended last night) on Sense and Sensibility? It was fabulous!
Again...great list!!!

Allison Bernauer said...

You just like 9th grade because that's when I decided you could be my best friend ha ha. Actually it was destiny due to our same day birth/same name thing. Also, how can you say the Fountainhead? Remember how many pages we had to read at one time and we stayed up so late every night trying to finish!! I even read on the weekends and you know that doesn't sound like me. :)I love your favorite things and the pics you added...great touch!

The Walker's said...

I love Pride and Prejudice too. I could watch it every week and not get tired of it.