Monday, September 22, 2008

He's Here

Samuel Hancock Dart made his grand entrance at 1:09 this morning. He weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz, and was 21.5 in. He is so much like his brothers, especially Will. Aly made out great, even though the epidural didn't help out very much. One big push and that baby was out! I think that's a record!

Pics will come in the morning, I promise. The nurses were wondering why there was paparazzi there because the boy had about 200 pics taken of him within the first 15 minutes. That's what you get with so many doting aunts around!


Tiffany Nelson said...

Wow thats a big boy. Cant wait to meet him. Love you little Sam. Love antie Tiff

Emily said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear everyone is well. Can't wait to see more!

Lauren said...

Wish I could have been there!! :-(

theweippertfamily said...

Today is Dean's birthday too!!!
he is 6....

Happy Birthday Sam!!!!

Wendi said...

Happy Birthday little Dammy...I mean Sammy!