Saturday, September 13, 2008

Full Moon?

My next best hope is the full moon. Let's see what happens!


Lindsay said...

Aly- I had TJ on a full moon! I'm praying for Sam to be born on this next full mooon ;) Hang in there!

Allison Bernauer said...

Good luck with the full moon. Maybe it will be tomorrow. Call me when there's action!! Oh,..........
How 'bout those Pirates!!!
Love ya, AL

Anonymous said...

My fingers are crossed for you Aly!

Barney Family said...

Aly, plan a vacation or throw a party and it will happen on that day! It always happens when you don't want it to and never when you want it to.


Robbins said...

Ali- A little Castor Oil may do the trick...Did with Easton....SICK as a DOG with Brooklyn.
Good Luck!

Wendi said...

Fingers crossed and prayers said that baby Dammy will make his presence known very soon!
Good Luck!

Unknown said...

Hi Kyle and Aly,
Just wanted to check and see if the
new one had arrived yet. Looks like
you are still hanging in there.I want to thank Kyle for sending me that nice letter. Thanks for the words of encouragement, and for thinking and praying for me.
I pray that all goes well,and that baby Sam arrives soon!!!Hang in there Aly. Love Ya, Aunt Kaye