Have you ever heard of Restless Legs Syndrome? If you haven't, you're lucky. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders says this "Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by unpleasant sensations in the legs and an uncontrollable urge to move when at rest in an effort to relieve these feelings." Under normal (unpregnant) circumstances, I only get restless legs when I'm extremely, overly, and completely exhausted. Not necessarily exhausted like I just ran 12 miles, but exhausted like I've just had a really hard day. Well, welcome back RLS! During my third trimester with all three of my pegnancies, I have experienced RLS. It is a miserable thing. For those of you who have it on a regular basis, I feel for you. It is truly a miserable thing to go through.
My restless legs manage to peak at night while I am trying to catch a little sleep. Between getting up to go to the bathroom and getting up to walk around and get my legs to stop twitching, I feel like I walk around all night long! Well, at least I can count those trips walking around the house toward my daily step count (you know we're all supposed to take at least 10,000 a day.)
So, on to other things. Most of you know (or maybe you don't) that I used to run quite a bit. "Used to" be the key phrase there. I have a marathon, a few half marathons, and several 10k's and 5k's under my belt. I must mention that all of this is thanks to my dear friend, Kellie. The first time I went running with her, we did 3 miles and I think I made her stop and walk about 10 times. She has run 15-20 marathons and countless other races, including the Boston Marathon. Her dad was my boss/drill sargeant who helped me prepare to run 26.2 miles. Gosh, I loved those days! Anyway- back to my point. I have decided to officially dive back into my running career after this little guy is born. Kyle and I have set a goal to run a half marathon together sometime next spring. He ran a few 10k's with me back in the day, but he has never done a half marathon, so we're both very excited. I also do better when I have a goal, so here's to setting a goal and meeting it!
Yesterday I went to TJ Maxx in hot pursuit of something totally different, but I ended up leaving there with a new Nike Dry-fit jacket and some Puma running pants. They, along with my running shoes are sitting in my room, anxiously awaiting their debut sometime near the end of September. I am officially pumped up about this! (The countless people I mentioned in my previous post who think I currently resemble a beached whale have nothing to do with me setting this goal!)
Being pregnant is such a wonderful thing. I know that I will miss feeling the pokes, prods, and punches from this little guy. We've gotten pretty close over these past nine months! But, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get him out! If you've ever been pregnant, pat yourself on the back for making it through. If you haven't, tell your mom how much you appreciate her doing it for you.
That's all I got for now! Aly
Somewhat like the new jacket.
The running shoes wondering where I've been.
The new pants.
Me, in a former life. I'm coming back, I promise!
My restless legs manage to peak at night while I am trying to catch a little sleep. Between getting up to go to the bathroom and getting up to walk around and get my legs to stop twitching, I feel like I walk around all night long! Well, at least I can count those trips walking around the house toward my daily step count (you know we're all supposed to take at least 10,000 a day.)
So, on to other things. Most of you know (or maybe you don't) that I used to run quite a bit. "Used to" be the key phrase there. I have a marathon, a few half marathons, and several 10k's and 5k's under my belt. I must mention that all of this is thanks to my dear friend, Kellie. The first time I went running with her, we did 3 miles and I think I made her stop and walk about 10 times. She has run 15-20 marathons and countless other races, including the Boston Marathon. Her dad was my boss/drill sargeant who helped me prepare to run 26.2 miles. Gosh, I loved those days! Anyway- back to my point. I have decided to officially dive back into my running career after this little guy is born. Kyle and I have set a goal to run a half marathon together sometime next spring. He ran a few 10k's with me back in the day, but he has never done a half marathon, so we're both very excited. I also do better when I have a goal, so here's to setting a goal and meeting it!
Yesterday I went to TJ Maxx in hot pursuit of something totally different, but I ended up leaving there with a new Nike Dry-fit jacket and some Puma running pants. They, along with my running shoes are sitting in my room, anxiously awaiting their debut sometime near the end of September. I am officially pumped up about this! (The countless people I mentioned in my previous post who think I currently resemble a beached whale have nothing to do with me setting this goal!)
Being pregnant is such a wonderful thing. I know that I will miss feeling the pokes, prods, and punches from this little guy. We've gotten pretty close over these past nine months! But, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get him out! If you've ever been pregnant, pat yourself on the back for making it through. If you haven't, tell your mom how much you appreciate her doing it for you.
That's all I got for now! Aly

Somewhat like the new jacket.

The running shoes wondering where I've been.

Me, in a former life. I'm coming back, I promise!
Hey there, beautiful!
Congratulations on your new goal! If I was the kind of sister I should be, then I would agree to go running with you! But - we both know that I can't even drive 26 miles without stopping for a Mt. Dew, so maybe I should just stick to being a cheerleader for my favorite running sister!
I'll watch Sam.... how's that!
You have always been gorgeous, inside and out, and being pregnant is no exception!! I only wish I had half of the motivation you do!! I hope some of it rubs off on me! :)
Good luck with your goal! I know you'll be awesome...once again.
I hope all goes well these last few weeks:)
Stop it!!!
You are gorgeous preggo or not!
Don't ever let anyone tell you any differently.
So sorry to hear about your RLS.
Not. good.
I hope you are able to soon get some zzzzz's.
You are going to need the rest with a new baby on the way.
What a lofty goal!
I. am. impressed.
Please inspire me.
I have always wanted to run...but never have.
Can't wait to meet Dammy!!!
Aly, you are darling! Sorry to hear about your RLS, that sounds miserable. Good luck with these last weeks of pregnancy! You are almost there.
Before doctors called it RLS we called it fidgets. They are the worst and I suffer more than ocassionally from them so I really feel for you.
I have never had a desire to run. Maybe I would if a hungry bear was close on my heals. I do admire your committment though. I'm sure it won't be hard to find people to watch the kids. Good luck with your goal.
do you need a 3rd and 4th partner -- hash and i have been talking about a half marathon as well. i've got you to thank for my running success (can i really count6 miles as a success?)
I have it too! It seems to run in the Hancock family. My uncle Mike has it and so does my aunt Shelly... and so do I. But I usually don't have to get up and walk around, I just point and flex my feet over and over until I finally fall asleep.
Is your little one going to be Sam?! Charlie was almost a Sam. He was Sam on his way to the hospital, but a couple hours before he was born we starting thinking about Charlie again, and we went with it. I love the name Sam!
I don't think I have RLS but I do get "the figets" sometimes while trying to go to sleep. Just that is annoying so RLS must really be bad. Joel has been trying to get me to run but I don't think it was good timing with me just starting a new job and trying to adjust to the new schedule. As you know I'm not talking about running in the sense of 1/2 marathons..just maybe a mile to start;-) To my defense HE hasn't started running EITHER ;-) I do want to start though bc if I don't I will soon need all new clothes:-( Maybe after we move this weekend. Know any good internet sites that will get me pumped/prepared? P.S. only a little while longer and we can meet Sam! I'm so excited!
my "baby" is nine months and I keep wondering when I am going to get serious about my running again. Good for you, you make me excited to just do it. I work out close to everyday, but because I can't run as long or fast as I use to I have been doing other work outs. I miss my running! I need to just start and work back up- I know that and yet I hate not being where I left off. I will do it now! Good luck with your race. I hope to be doing it soon too. I just realized you still have no idea who I am, so I must look like a stocker. I just like what you had to say, and don't worry you'll be back to the old you in no time. It will happen faster than you think. Even when it feels like you'll never be the same.
mary morley ethington
Oh Aly, I know how you feel that last month of pregnancy you just want your body back. It will come back. Hey I will find a half marathon for us somewhere in the middle and we will all run it together. It will give us all motivation. I just wish we lived closer to train together.
way to go setting the goals now before you are too tired to set them :)
Good luck with the running. You know I will be of no help to you. I could not even run to the car from the house. Maybe I will just drive down to the finish line and see you there :) Although I need to do something before I get so big people will start to ask me if I am having twins again. I keep saying it's the "baby" weight...however when the babies are 4 it's tough to convince people. I cannot wait for Sam to arrive. I did not have RLS but I had just about everything else! Love ya!
Hey Ali I know how you feel with the RLS I had it too in the last trimester and it's horrible. As for running I wish that I loved to run, but I hate it. I really do need to do something to get back into shape so maybe I should start to like it.
Hey Ali I know how you feel with the RLS I had it too in the last trimester and it's horrible. As for running I wish that I loved to run, but I hate it. I really do need to do something to get back into shape so maybe I should start to like it.
I'm with Emily! I went nine months with only 3 Mt. Dews, now I'm addicted to it like crack!!
Hey Alyson! I have enjoyed reading your blogs for the past few months since I am about 4 weeks (prego) behind you (jealous)! I am very ready for Baby E to be born. Since this is my first...I am scared, nervous and all to those feelings that you have as a first time Mom. I am suffering from some RLS now I just hope it doesn't get any worse. I'm a an avid runner & I have managed to keep it up for 32 weeks. I am slowing down now b/c it's starting to become uncomfortable, but I hope to be back in the swing of things as soon as I can after Baby E's arrival. I wish I had a running buddy here so that I could set a goal like you. I have only done 1 half marathon thanks to my friend Jess who live in NC. I miss have a running partner. I wish you and your baby the best of luck and look forward to seeing when it's time for him to arrive! Prudence:)
Too true! By the end of my pregancy I am read to exercise, touch my toes and tuck in my shirt.
Only a little bit more to go! Then you can feel a bit more like yourself- well, like yourself when you are sleep deprived. I'm sure he'll be angel baby. And I know you'll be back in shape in no time and a runner like no other. You're motivate and will see it through.
We can't wait to see his cute face when he arrives!
I just read your comments. Just for the record, Rich got Ryder Cup tickets all by himself. In fact, he had to enter his name into a drawing to be able to even purchase them. His dad is flying out to go with him. Though I would have loved to claimed it was my idea, sadly it wasn't.
Oh, and about the movies. Rich saw the post and said I should have been horrified to say I've viewed that many. I just know they got me through a day working out.
Have a great day!
Hi Kyle,
Bryce Barnes is a good friend of mine and mentioned he ran into recently. We live a few miles from each other. Where do you live in NC?
Email me back at: stevensonpat@gmail.com
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