What is your spouses name? Kyle Clayton Dart
How long have you been together? We started dating the summer of 1998 and now it's 2008. I guess that would be 10 years!
Who eats more? Kyle eats way more junk food than me. I'm not tempted at all by chocolate or sweets, but he loves them. I can give him a run for his money when it comes to a good meal.
Who said 'I Love You' first? I really don't have a clue.
Who is taller? Kyle
Who Sings better? Me, I guess, only because I sing more than he does. He actually has a great voice, but no one would ever know because he never sings!
Who is smarter? Kyle is most definitely smarter when it comes to books, legal issues, history, current events, etc. I usually have a little more savvy than him when it comes to things around the house.
Who does the laundry? I used to do all of the laundry, but since I've been so sick, he does just about everything in the house. He's an angel.
Who does the dishes? See previous question and get your answer!
Who pays the bills? I used to, but it stressed me out so badly that Kyle took over and I love him for that!
Who mows the lawn? Well, we haven't had a lawn to mow in years, but when we did, Kyle mowed the lawn and I did the flower beds. It was so much fun.
Who cooks dinner? Me (or my mom, these days) Have I mentioned how sick I've been lately. I should take a picture of the busted blood vessel in my eye to show you how often I have been worshipping the porcelain god these past few weeks.
Who is more stubborn? Neither of us are stubborn at all.
Who kissed who first? Kyle
Who asked who out first? It was arranged by our parents.
Who proposed? Kyle proposed on New Year's Eve 1998. We were here on the island and we stopped at a spot on the shore that we both really loved and there were a dozen rosed sitting there. It was so sweet.
Who has more siblings? I do. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. He has 4 brothers.
Who wears the pants? We're pretty equal in everything.
I guess I have to tag someone, so I'm tagging whoever would like to answer this tag!