Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Getting Settled

Well, we've been here for two weeks today, and we are getting settled in and finally getting some things put away. The boys are enjoying their cousins and grandma's huge yard. Kyle is already busy studying and preparing for the BAR and I am trying hard to unpack boxes, edit pictures, watch kids, etc.

My sister, Leah, had a baby yesterday, so we went up to Raleigh for the day to meet Carter Michael Steelman. He is blonde and fair like Leah. I think he looks just like her. His brothers were very excited for him to arrive. Leah and Rodney and the baby are doing well.

I've haven't taken too many pictures since I got here, because I've been too busy, but here are a few from the other day.


Barney Family said...

Hey Aly, I love these pictures. I has heard from Lindsay that Leah had her baby. Did you see Lindsay while you were in Raliegh? I saw that you called a couple of days ago, I will call you this weekend.


Cloward Family said...

Hey! I was beginning to think you had dropped off the face of the Earth since I haven't seen a blog in a while! It sounds like you are doing just fine! Good to hear! :)

Love, Amberlee

Lindsay said...

Hey, maybe this weekend if you aren't too busy you can take Kaitlyn's picture. Leah mentioned you might be here in Raleigh. Just let me know what you think. We can always wait if that would work better for you.

We went and saw Leah's little boy yesterday. He is just the most precious thing. It made me get a little sad because Kaitlyn is so big now. I can't wait to see you all soon!


Anonymous said...

Hey I want you to take some of the twins soon too. Maybe down on Front Street or somewhere. Call me after the weekend. Love ya, Al