Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Grinning From Ear to Ear

This should arrive at my doorstep on Monday. To say I'm excited is an understatement! Happy New Baby, Birthday, Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's,etc., etc., me!


Ann said...

Congratulations on the soon to be new arrival, Aly! I'm sure you'll put it to good use creating amazing images for all of us to cherish and enjoy.

*ChElSeA fAyE* said...

Ok so now I'm officially JEALOUS of you! Oh my god I have been telling everyone that for Christmas I want a Nikon D80 and you got the 300!! Oh my goodness I can't WAIT to see what pictures you take now! Yup totally jealous can't express how much! :)

Cheryl said...

So wonderful! I recently got a Nikon D40 and I'm just beginning to learn how to use such an advanced (to me!) camera. I've only ever had a point and shoot.

Wish we were closer so 1) I could see and hold you cute new baby 2) Have you take photos of my family (you are so talented!) and 3) give me pointer on photography.

I'm ready to take a class. All these gorgeous photos on blogs are inspiring me. We'll see. I'll just have to live vicariously through yours for now.

Have fun on Monday!!

Jami & Boys said...

so does this mean your old one is up for sale?

Becca's Blog said...

Ok, I am so happy for you! I want to get a new camera as well. Someday, I mean. What would you recommend? I am guessing the NIkon 300!