Thursday, December 13, 2007

Family Picture Time

It's that time of year again! We went to take family pictures last weekend to put on our Christmas card and things went very well! The boys were perfect little models and We even got a decent family shot. Now, if you really want to be impressed, we also got great shots of Emily and Joella's families! It was at least a small miracle! I think I have the cutest kids, but I am their mother. Merry Christmas to Everyone and Wonderful 2008!


Shelley Reid said...

Hey Aly -
I just wanted to say hi and to tell you that you take such beautiful pictures! I need some tips from you! Your family is beautiful!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful! Not that I expected anything less. You always capture your boys at the perfect moment.

I could seriously need some professional help right now. My girls are REFUSING to sit still for a group kids shot. I am going to give it another go tomorrow (after 3 previous tries) when they are all in their matching Sunday outfits. If they choose to not cooperate I have no idea what I'm going to put in the frames I made for Christmas!

And I had to write THANK YOU Aly for such kind comments on my blog. I really just write a lot because this is then ONLY record I am making right now, so if I want to recall it down the road, I'd better type something up. I also appreciate Kyle saying such nice things. He was one of my best friends through school and I think the world of him. You made my day.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I have on my argyle sweater today and I noticed you have yours on in this picture. ha ha Allison

Barney Family said...

Aly, little Will looks so cute with his hair long. I can't believe how grown up he looks. As always great pictures. I am for sure having you take my kids pictures over Christmas.
